MLy - referred by their JCP work coach to the Forging Futures programme, (funded by the Youth Futures Foundation) in September 2023.
MLy has Autistim and struggles with low levels of confidence and self-esteem.
MLy did gain employment shortly after registering on to project, but struggled with his anxiety and confidence, which led to him leaving this employment soon after.
Their mental health deteriorated rapidly, we helped him access support from his GP. We continued to support and offer advice and guidance during this challenging period maintaining levels of contact and routine. MLy attended an information session regarding the Virtual Internships available through CYA and made the decision to apply for and successfully secured a place.
MLy worked with Indian company called Ignited Neurons - as Content Creator. During MLy’s VI he has interacted well with the employer and completed all tasks assigned to him.
The experience gained on the VI alongside the support given by CYA, has helped MLy move forward gaining the confidence to be positive about his working future. He would like to enter into the freelance world of game design, but is keeping his options open, looking at web design and content. MLy has also realised his potential as a program writer.
MLy says the VI programme along side the FF programme has been hugely beneficial to him gaining confidence, experience and new skills.