There are growing concerns around children being exploited, due firstly to lockdown and then to the long summer holidays. Children are being groomed online, often to be sexually exploited or criminally exploited through money laundering criminality. They are also being recruited into county lines crimes. Cumbria is keen to safeguard children from these awful crimes.
Secondly, we have heard of victims of modern slavery being further exploited due to lockdown, and made to work harder, still, to pay back debts owed. Labour Exploitation is still happening around the UK and in Cumbria. If you haven’t already, please consider adding the two apps provided by The Clewer to your phones, and just have a look at what is included in these apps. They give you information on possible exploitation of victims and who to contact if you have concerns.
Finally, throughout lockdown I have been attending Human Trafficking Foundation Covid-19 Forums, which have been very informative and provided me with lots of extra information and people to contact, if ever we have any specific enquiry. Organisations such as SHPRESA which assists Albanian Nationals trying to make a life in the UK. The Snowdrop Project which looks to help victims of Modern Slavery and SPACE which is trying to support victims of County Lines.
Another group called Stronger 2gether is helping businesses looking at their supply chains. I have an email from them which includes upcoming Webinars for Supply Chains training sessions. If you would be interested in these, please contact me, and I can forward their email on to you. I am hoping also to create a Supply Chains Business Pack and I am in the early stages of developing this.
I would also like to make you aware of some online Modern Slavery Awareness Training Events coming up in the Autumn, which is being hosted by Churches Together in Cumbria and Together Lancashire.
If you are interested in these events to be held on Monday 16 November and Monday 23rd November via Zoom from 4-6pm, please email me and I will put you in touch with Shelagh who is organising them.
To talk to Sandra about any of above content, please contact: