NADT Youth

About Us

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Telephone : 016973 44555

Project Lead: Clare Stabler, Head of Youth Provision

What is NADT Youth?

NADT provides youth services in Cumbria, offering both universal and targeted programmes. Our universal offer includes four outreach projects supporting young people aged 8-25 in rural communities through weekly or monthly activities in local community halls. 

Eligibility Criteria

The targeted programmes consist of the Early Intervention Programme (EIP) for emotional and social well-being (8-16 years) and Pitstop Cumbria, a youth-led workplace programme for those aged 15-25 at risk of or not in education, employment, or training (NEET). EIP runs five days a week during school term time, with small group sizes and practical engagement opportunities like Upcycling and Outdoor learning. Pitstop Cumbria operates one day a week during term time in a Carlisle film studio, providing real workplace experience for employment or training goals. 

Referral Criteria

All universal programs are open access, please contact us on or follow us on Facebook on @NADTYouth for details.

All targeted programs are referral only for costs and more information please email