Bridging Horizons

Bridging Horizons is a groundbreaking project designed to introduce young people to Civil Engineering and its various career opportunities. Engaging with years 9-12 in schools and NEET young people aged 16-24, this 5-year project will see Cumbria Youth Alliance following and supporting young people from one year to another as they move into further education, training or employment.

Cumbria Youth Alliance will also run an in-house programme for homeschooled young people and those who are not engaged in education because of illness, disadvantage or disciplinaries.

Working collaboratively with schools and industry professionals to bridge a gap in provision, this six-session bespoke programme will enable young people to understand the world of Civil Engineering through practical problem-solving activities, career talks with industry professionals, and an opportunity to see civil engineering in practice.

Core Elements.
The six-session programme features core elements that are upskilled year on year.

  • Introduction - What is Bridging Horizons, and what is Civil Engineering?
  • Practical challenges embracing engineering terminology and problem-solving.
  • Bridging the gap – a design for life. Own personal development folder.
  • Visiting day of 6 industry professionals with a Q&A panel session.
  • A school trip/visit to see civil engineering in practice/in progress/finished
  • Positively You Quiz – to round up the whole year group programme to assess where the pupils are now, where they wish to go and how they are getting there.
  • 10 minutes of well-being skills feature in each session.
  • Young person's feedback and school feedback, monitoring and evaluation.
  • One to one support throughout the year.

Extra topics which can be included in the programme.

  • Women in engineering.
  • Equity in engineering. (protected characteristics).
  • Ambitions to earn well and travel what can you expect.
  • On the tools, what this means in practice.
  • The natural environment, climate change, renewable energy and water management.
  • New technologies (Hydrogen, AI, Augmented modelling)
  • Apprenticeships. College courses and varied pathways.
  • Supporting roles in the industry through SME's.